The massacre on October 7 shook the collective soul of world Jewry and beyond. Despite this, widespread anti-Israel rhetoric and delegitimization continues. 

This highlights the importance of revisiting and delving into the profound bond the Jewish people have with our homeland, Israel. 

Survival of a Nation provides an in-depth exploration of the land of Israel through the remarkable narrative of the Six-Day War.

Its four sessions confront the important questions of our time with affectionate and fervent patriotism, while also remaining realistic, and morally anchored.

This spellbinding course will sweep you up in its narrative force and abiding love for our nation’s history and the best of its traditions, and will not let go of you until it’s done.


 Join us for a four-week course 



Four Tuesdays
Nov 28-Dec 19, 2023

Jewish Educational Alliance
5111 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31405

This course requires a textbook. It can be purchased on Amazon HERE




Four Wednesdays
Nov 29-Dec 20, 2023

Chabad of Savannah
2424 Drayton St
Savannah, GA 31401

This course requires a textbook. It can be purchased on Amazon HERE


    This course is brought to you by the Savannah Jewish Federation and Chabad of Savannah.

In lieu of a course fee, please consider making a donation to the Israel Fund at the Savannah Jewish Federation.

For more information:
Call: 912-844-2477
Email: [email protected]




The 1967 conflict resulted from the argument, espoused by Egypt’s Abdel Nasser and most leaders in the Arab world, that Israel’s existence was illegitimate, having been founded on stolen Arab territory. What is Israel’s response to this argument? What is her right to exist as a Jewish state in the heart of the Middle East? And what is the justification for associating Judaism—an ethereal religion of beliefs and ideas—with a specific territory?



As neighboring militaries mobilized along its borders, Israel faced immense international pressure not to launch a preemptive strike. She ignored these warnings and struck first. What are the ethics of preemptive strikes? What weight should be given to political considerations—as opposed to purely security/military concerns—in rendering such decisions? And how do these deliberations apply to the host of mortal threats that Israel faces today?




In the course of repulsing Jordanian aggression, Israel regained control of the Old City of Jerusalem, including its Temple Mount and Western Wall, all of which holds utmost historical, cultural, and spiritual import to the Jewish nation. The return of these sites to Jewish hands triggered a global Jewish spiritual awakening. What is the history and significance of Jerusalem? What allure does it hold for its millions of annual visitors?



Israel’s pre-1967 borders subsequently became known as the “Green Line,” to distinguish them from territories captured during the Six-Day War. Israel immediately offered to return her newly-acquired territories in exchange for lasting peace, but the surrounding countries rejected the offer. Subsequent attempts at exchanging land for peace have failed to resolve the issues surrounding these territories. Should Israel hold on to them no matter the cost? Is there an authentic way to trade land for a lasting and sustainable peace?