
Yizkor Memorial Booklet

Include the names of your loved ones in Yizkor Memorial booklet

  • The High Holidays are a time of memory and reflection, renewal and celebration. It is Jewish tradition to gather as a community and recall the beloved memories of our loved ones as a part of the holiday observance.

    With this in mind, we will be creating a Yizkor Memorial book containing  the names of our community's loved ones who have passed away. The booklet will be distributed during Yom Kippur Yizkor Services, as well as during Yizkor Services throughout the year memorializing those whom we lovingly remember at this time.

    We remember. We are inspired. And we pledge to do good in the merit of their souls. For this reason, the Yizkor service includes a pledge to tzedakah, charity, on behalf of the deceased’s souls.  Your charity will go toward enriching the Jewish community of Savannah.

    We will mention the names in the Yizkor booklet as a part of the Keil Malei prayer at each of this year’s Yizkor services.

    Please complete the form below to include the names of your loved ones.  

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  • Use the comments section below to add additional names.

  • Optional Contribution

    It is customary to give charity in memory of your departed loved ones that will be recited during Yizkor.

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